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This mkdocs distribution provides two ways to provide diagrams that are calculated from semantic text input:


PlantUML is a feature rich application that comes bundled with many different styles of graphs, third-party standard libraries, and icon sets with brands and company logos.

Different to Mermaid diagrams, the PlantUML plugin renders your diagram descriptions to PNG format at build time.


PlantUML chart
!include <edgy/edgy>

$experienceFacet(Experience, experience)
$architectureFacet(Architecture, architecture)
$identityFacet(Identity, identity)

$organisationFacet(Organisation, org) {
    $organisation(Organisation, organisation)

$brandFacet(Brand) {
    $brand(Brand, brand)

    $product(Product, product)

$flow(brand, identity, "represents/evokes")
$flow(brand, experience, "Supports/appears in")

$flowLeft(organisation, identity, "pursues/authors")
$flowRight(organisation, architecture, "has/performs")

$flow(product, experience, "serves/features in")
$linkUp(product, architecture, "requires/creates")

$flow(organisation, brand, "builds")
$flow(organisation, product, "makes")
$flowLeft(product, brand, "embodies")


uml diagram

Worth mentioning is especially the C4 standard library:

PlantUML chart
!include <C4/C4_Container>

Person(personAlias, "Label", "Optional Description")
Container(containerAlias, "Label", "Technology", "Optional Description")
System(systemAlias, "Label", "Optional Description")

System_Ext(extSystemAlias, "Label", "Optional Description")

Rel(personAlias, containerAlias, "Label", "Optional Technology")

Rel_U(systemAlias, extSystemAlias, "Label", "Optional Technology")

uml diagram


As Mermaid diagrams are supported out of the box, please have a look at the mkdocs-material documentation for more infos.


Mermaid Graph Example
``` mermaid
graph LR
  A[Start] --> B{Error?};
  B -->|Yes| C[Hmm...];
  C --> D[Debug];
  D --> B;
  B ---->|No| E[Yay!];
graph LR
  A[Start] --> B{Error?};
  B -->|Yes| C[Hmm...];
  C --> D[Debug];
  D --> B;
  B ---->|No| E[Yay!];
Mermaid Sequence Example
``` mermaid
  Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
  loop Healthcheck
      John->>John: Fight against hypochondria
  Note right of John: Rational thoughts!
  John-->>Alice: Great!
  John->>Bob: How about you?
  Bob-->>John: Jolly good!
  Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
  loop Healthcheck
      John->>John: Fight against hypochondria
  Note right of John: Rational thoughts!
  John-->>Alice: Great!
  John->>Bob: How about you?
  Bob-->>John: Jolly good!