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This project makes integrating mkdocs with many plugins to your project easy.

Documentation should be easy and pretty

Try it


The best way to use this project is via Nix.

  1. Install Nix
  2. Run this command inside your mkdocs project:
    nix run github:applicative-systems/mkdocs-flake

That's it, you can live-edit your documentation.

To do more, as publishing it on GitHub automatically via your CI, please have a look at our integration docs


This repo generates a docker image.

TODO: Document

TODO: Provide dockerhub image from



Mermaid works out of the box, but we also added PlantUML support!

Plantuml is a bit more sophisticated than Mermaid and contains a standard library with many useful icons and styles.

uml diagram

uml diagram

uml diagram

uml diagram

Worth mentioning is especially the C4 standard library:

uml diagram


The code blocks with annotation support as documented by mkdocs-material work out of the box:
def bubble_sort(items):
    for i in range(len(items)):
        for j in range(len(items) - 1 - i): # (1)
            if items[j] > items[j + 1]:
                items[j], items[j + 1] = items[j + 1], items[j]
  1. 🙋‍♂️ I'm a code annotation! I can contain code, formatted text, images, ... basically anything that can be written in Markdown.


You can use MathJax and KaTeX out of the box:

\[ \operatorname{ker} f=\{g\in G:f(g)=e_{H}\}{\mbox{.}} \]